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SSEF Biomimicry Competition

Music Archive

Visual Decay

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Emblematic rendering
Emblematic rendering
Date April 2011
Category Design
Location Toronto, Canada
Company Academic
Type Institutional, Archive
Software Rhino + V-Ray, Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign
Role Full Project
Level Student, 1A Term

The music archive is a project intended to collect LP albums. It is a three story building located downtown Toronto in an empty lot. Linearity, lighting and contextual dialog are important aspects of the design of the building.

The parti is a V-shaped staircase, surrounded by bookshelves, meant to emphasise the height of the building, as shown in the emblematic perspective. The bookshelves are three-story tall vertical walls filled with LP albums. On the left side of the staircase, human sized openings are perforating the gridded shelving, leading to small phonic isolated rooms intended for private listening. On the right side of the staircase there is a gramophone gallery on the first floor, a learning/quiet room on the second floor and office space/storage on the third.